I wish I'd written this brilliant commentary... Essays, Public HistoryJessica McCraryAugust 6, 2013career, economy, jobs, Public History, the in-between, underemployment
The Year. Education, EssaysJessica McCraryJuly 21, 2013career, economy, jobs, recession, the in-between, twenty-somethings, wisdom
Dispatch from the edge of recession: eight long months, and counting EssaysJessica McCraryDecember 20, 2012career, jobs, life right now, my life, recession
Dispatch from the Edge of Recession: Part-time, temporary, is the future EssaysJessica McCraryNovember 28, 2012career, history, individual history, jobs, life right now, recession
Dispatch from the Edge of a Recession: Hit Me When I'm Up Essays, HappeningJessica McCraryOctober 18, 2012Atlanta, creative spirit, economics, jobs, my life, recession, unemployment
Dispatch from the Edge of Recession: Job Market Moment... the Elusive Excitement EssaysJessica McCrarySeptember 19, 2012Atlanta, career, economics, jobs, life right now, meaning, Public History, recession
College: it's ok to say no to school Education, EssaysJessica McCrarySeptember 15, 2012college, education, jobs