On my work: Translating liberal arts skills to a resume, working in college career services Education, EssaysJessica McCraryApril 4, 2014career, employment, inspiration, kennesaw state university, liberal arts, work
The Year. Education, EssaysJessica McCraryJuly 21, 2013career, economy, jobs, recession, the in-between, twenty-somethings, wisdom
Finding jobs, finding meaning, in everyday work Education, Essays, Identity, SocioJessica McCraryMarch 23, 2013
College: it's ok to say no to school Education, EssaysJessica McCrarySeptember 15, 2012college, education, jobs
Food for thought: working at McDonald's Economics, Education, Essays, Happening, Popular CultureJessica McCrarySeptember 1, 2012career, job, Lena Dunham, perspective, twenty-somethings
Fact, fabrication, and the Internet Education, Essays, HistoryJessica McCraryMay 15, 2012community, historical fabrication, history, Internet, interpretation, trust, Wikipedia
Place: "writing from a place, from a community, from a location in the world" Community, Education, Essays, Public History, The Wide WorldJessica McCraryJanuary 26, 2011American history, immigrants, Public History
Why I love what I do: Education, Essays, HistoryJessica McCraryDecember 2, 2010American history, grad school, race
Modern-day "Peril"? Chinese language in American classrooms, and that long-standing friend-or-enemy dilemma Asia, China, Education, Essays, LanguageJessica McCraryOctober 7, 2010China, economics, education
On travelogues, and the winding road to ending up where you intended Education, Essays, History, The Wide WorldJessica McCrarySeptember 20, 2010National Geographic, travelogues, writing