Please excuse my protracted silences
Trying to understand a boiling water reactor schematic diagram, to begin to understand Japan's situation
Guilt, a luxury; and other emotions of someone watching Libya from afar
Ode to a great movie, in Kathleen Kelly's tangent on books
Shaolin Temple in the spotlight, and its role in one of the best days of my life
Presenting my own research, and finding place in world history
StoryCorps and the lives of ordinary people
That's the way this wheel keeps working out.
A city, not a blank slate. More like "an empty and brightly lit stage with lots of directors, scripts, auditions, designers, audiences, and reviewers."
"History is a giant stone that lies on top of us"
The charm of Indian English, filled with literary gems
Place: "writing from a place, from a community, from a location in the world"
Great listen: World in Words #114 on political language & Tucson
The city and the country
Recalling tropical oases...
Snow & solitude, a walk through the woods
Through the Disney lens
"You're a wizard, Harry."
Not one or the other, too German to be Turkish
A fluid sense of family: on adoption and the global diaspora of orphaned Chinese girls